3D Microtissue & Multilayer Models

High Content Imaging of 3D Microtissues


  • The environment created by a 3D culture model allows reconstitution of the natural cellular physiology by promoting the complex cell-cell and cell-matrix network communications found in vivo.
  • For imaging purposes, microtissues are formed using round bottom ultra-low adhesion cell culture plates which promote aggregation of cells into functional 3D microtissues.
  • Microtissues can be formed from single or co-cultured cell populations and their longevity permits use in long-term repeat dose toxicity studies to investigate any cumulative effect.
  • The combination of biologically relevant in vitro 3D cell-based models with multiparametric HCS assays presents a viable screening strategy for the detection of novel therapeutics that cause toxicity early in drug development.


High Content Imaging of 3D Microtissues


Data from High Content Imaging of 3D Microtissues


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Sam Bevan

Sam Bevan

Principal Scientist

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Cyprotex enables and enhances the prediction of human exposure, clinical efficacy and toxicological outcome of a drug or chemical. By combining quality data from robust in vitro methods with contemporary in silico technology, we add value, context and relevance to the ADME-Tox data supplied to our partners in the pharmaceutical or chemical industries.